It’s been almost 2 months since my Whole30 challenge ended and I have been amazed about the impact it has had on me. Life after my Whole30 challenge has been very interesting! In the beginning when I started the challenge I didn’t know if I could really live without my favorite foods. Almost 60 days later I have gone through the reintroduction process and have found I really don’t miss how I was eating prior to the challenge.
Here’s a recap of my journey so far:
- My Journey To A Healthier Life Style
- Whole30 Week 1
- The Flu Sucks
- Whole30 Week 2
- Whole30 Week 3
- Completed The Whole30 Challenge Now What?
I thought I was eating pretty healthy before the challenge. I have always loved fruits & vegetables and made sure that both Eric and I had them included in our meals. We incorporated avocados and I wasn’t using Splenda in my tea any more.
That said now that I have gone through the challenge I know now I wasn’t eating as healthy as I thought. I wasn’t reading labels and didn’t know how much sugar was going into my body with processed foods. I had a chocolate addiction. I drank fruit juices regularly. I needed gum and mints throughout the day. We had pizza once a week.
What I’ve Learned After My Whole30 Challenge
Here’s what I’ve learned:
- To read labels and choose healthier options.
- Healthy fats help keep me satiated and satisfied.
- I can have chocolate from time to time and not feel like I NEED it but I do want it. I enjoy it more.
- Whole fruit is better than juice.
- My homemade dressing is better than store bought.
- I no longer need mints or gum.
- Drinking water plain or with my fruit recipes is delicious and refreshing.
- Pizza is a convenience food. (Read my blog post the Convenience Factor).
- Ask for what you want even if it is NOT on the menu.
Slaying The Sugar Dragon
Life after my Whole30 Challenge has been different but in a good way. I have slayed my “Sugar Dragon” for the most part. I have been able to eat a dessert or have ice cream and not feel like I have to have it every day. I am not saying that I’ve been perfect. Far from it!
A couple of weeks ago I gave into eating a whole chocolate bar in one sitting and had gelato every day for 3 days until it was gone. Looking back on it I was not taking the time to think about it I just had this fierce NEED to have it and so I did! Have I done it since? No! Will I do it again? Who knows maybe, but I don’t think so.
What Does Life After My Whole30 Challenge Look Like
Generally I eat Whole30 compliant meals. I make a variety of meals that include protein, veggies, and healthy fats. During the reintroduction phase I found that I could taste the sugar in things I used to eat and it no longer appeals to me. It’s actually pretty overwhelming to be able to REALLY taste the sugar in things.
I drink lots of water. Sometimes I add lemon juice and sliced fruit to give me some variety. I also use club soda from time to time to shake things up. I drink cold and hot tea no sweetners. I did discover that when I was at Starbucks the other day that eating fruit (pineapple, strawberries, canteloupe) while drinking green ice tea is pretty tasty!
Breakfast is generally some form of a scramble. Sometimes I throw in left overs from the night before and sometimes it’s just a bunch a veggies with sugar free bacon from Pederson’s Farm or Aidelles apple chicken sausage. Both are very good choices of protein that do not have added sugar!
Lunch is usually left overs from the night before. Lately I have been making lettuce wraps! They are tasty and easy to make! No cooking! I cook a lot now and have practically killed my pans doing it!
Dinner is a variety of things from Shepard’s Pie to my Healthy Hamburger Helper recipe! I have learned to cook steaks & chicken pan seared and finish them off in the oven to make some really delicious meals. Eric REALLY enjoys my hamburger patties as well.
Life after my Whole30 challenge has been amazing! I feel healthier and I can fit into almost all of my old clothes that have been hanging out in my closet! I am not always motivated to cook but I have noticed the shift in my mindset. I take time to think about if I REALLY want something that is not a good choice to eat and for the most part I gravitate to the healthy choice. As much as I would really like to be lazy about the foods I eat my logical side tells me to stay on track and keep doing what I have been doing.
Here’s to a healthy lifestyle adventure! It won’t always be perfect but I do wish I had learned to eat this way a long time ago!
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