Happy 1st anniversary to my website!!! I was reminded today through Facebook memories that I had launched this website 1 year ago. Justine Pretorious – Live – Love – Laugh started out as a way for me to get into blogging about a variety of topics. I wanted to really show off my experiences with WordPress, social media, travel, food, and photography.
How It All Started
It started off as a rebranding project for me. I had previously ran a business called “Lucky Dog Consulting” named after Buddy. Since our move to Portland, Oregon I decided I just wanted to be me. I started the blog and away I went!
Blogging is a challenge for me. I have to be in the right mind set in order to sit down and actually write. This has been a challenge for me to blog consistently for quite a while. At first I get really excited and I am able to blog with enthusiasm but then other responsibilities get int the way and I push it to the back burner.
Up until last week I have made my goal of blogging once a week every week. I finally figured out what I needed to do to make that happen. I have a post it note on my desk and a calendar reminder set up to alert me for every Tuesday. I am very proud to say I have blogged once a week every week for the last 3 months.
I am hoping to move up to twice a week but let’s see if I can get back to once week for the next 3 months first!
Favorite Posts
It wouldn’t be an anniversary if I didn’t reflect back on the past year and talk about my favorite posts. It was very hard to choose but here are the posts I most fond of:
- TEDxUniversityofNevada 2016
- You Too Can Be A Guru A.K.A. Bridget Willard
- How Portland Became A Place We Call Home
- A Letter From A First Time Mome
- Building A Website For A Goat Herder
- Life After My Whole30 Challenge
- My First Big Motorcycle Trip
- Carol Stephen & Her Take On TweetChats
- Socail Media Is Social
- Social Media Can Be Much More
- Going Rogue From Whole30
- Online Relationships – Are They Important?
Do you have a favorite blog post? I would love to know which one is your favorite?
Thank You
I want to take time to thank you for stopping by my website, reading my posts, commenting on posts, and sharing them. I really appreciate your time and your thoughts.
What I Have Learned
The more I write the more comfortable I am. I am learning to be vulnerable with my thoughts and experiences and want to be as authentic as possible.
Here’s to another year of blogging!
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